Base dudow 051 2000 – Questão 29
Linguagens / Inglês / Determiners / Quantifiers
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I loved the new apartament of Peter and Jane.
a) I loved the Peter‘s and Jane‘s new apartament.
b) I loved the new Peter and Janes‘ apartament.
c) I loved the new Peter and Jane‘s apartament.
d) I loved the Peter and Jane‘s new apartament.
e) NDABase dudow 2000 – Questão 31
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In the text, Henk Campher describes a transition he experienced in his life.
His shift in political orientation was primarily due to:
a) value change
b) racial tolerance
c) regime pressure
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When the manager arrived, the problem _____.
a) was been solved already
b) should to be solved yet
c) had already been solved
d) has still been solved
e) had already solved