Base dudow 050 2000 – Questão 8
Linguagens / Inglês / Active and passive voice / Passive structures
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
FGV Economia 2009 – Questão 83
Assinale a alternativa que completa a lacuna nomeada de A no texto:
a) would demonstrate
b) have shown
c) increases
d) has registered
e) is displayingUERJ 2011 – Questão 19
I have a large measure of confidence that future archeologists and historians will conclude that innovations such as a code-speak called “Instant Messaging”, or a music box called “iPod” or a makebelieve room called “MySpace” inexorably set us on a path of alienation and individualism.
The underlined segment has the function of:
a) justifying
b) illustrating
c) emphasizing
d) recapitulatingUNESP 2016 – Questão 29
The field tests with the GM wheat proved ineffective because
a) the crop was environmentally unsafe.
b) the wheat was infected by EBF.
c) they did not display the expected outcome.
d) insecticides could be replaced by pheromones.
e) the EBF pheromone acted as an actual aphid repellent. FGV Economia 2011 – Questão 79
No trecho do segundo parágrafo – The figures represent a 33.6 percent fall in poverty rate and an almost 50 percent drop in extreme poverty rate. – a palavra figures refere-se
a) a figuras do estudo do IPEA.
b) às datas entre 1955 e 2008.
c) a 12,8 e 12,1 milhões de brasileiros.
d) às taxas de 33,6% e 50%.
e) a gráficos de redução de pobreza e de extrema pobreza até 2016.UFSCar - Por e Ing 2008 – Questão 15
A idéia expressa pelo marcador textual even when, em destaque no texto, é a de que: