Base dudow 050 2000 – Questão 30
Linguagens / Inglês / Active and passive voice / Passive structures
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
Base dudow 2000 – Questão 47
(FMU-SP) The passive form of:
“Nobody will lay the stones on the wall” is:
a) The stones will not be laid on the wall.
b) The stones will be lain on the wall.
c) Nobody will be laid the stones on the wall.
d) The stones will be lied on the wall by nobody.
e) The wall will be lay the stones by nobody.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 62
Quando meninos devem ser especialmente acompanhados de perto pelos pais?
a) Não é necessário
b) Desde sua entrada na escola
c) Na 9ª e 10ª série
d) No Ensino médio – high school
e) Durante a faculdadeENEM 1ª Aplicação Espanhol 2010 – Questão 5
Dejar de fumar engorda, pero seguir haciéndolo, también. Esa es la conclusion a la que han llegado investigadores de la Universidad de Navarra que han hecho un seguimiento de 7.565 personas durante 50 meses. Los datos “se han ajustado por edad,...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 68
In the story above, Garfield
a) is practicing kitty door smashing.
b) wonders what to do after killing the mailman on the sidewalk.
c) is testing his running skills around the house.
d) believes Match 2 is considered federal offense.
e) is afraid of being caught by the mailman.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 75
Mark the sentence which the use of Present Continuous is correct:
a) What are you doing now?
b) It is rain now.
c) He is going to buy a car tomorrow.
d) Did you sleep early?
e) Are he studying now?