Base dudow 028 2000 – Questão 12

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Identify the main idea of the text
Africa dies, the world watches
How is it possible that Africa is dying while the world watches? I’m sure the U.N. is doing its best, but clearly its best isn’t good enough. There are always committees to fight for Irish rights, build Sarajevo, talk peace with Jewish and Arab leaders. It’s a shame that Rwanda and Burundi are torn apart and yet seem to be ignored. I am not a racist, but sometimes I wonder: Is it because these poor people are not white? If that’s the case, I fear for the future of Africa.
Adapted from Time, August 26, 1996, page 6.
Pode-se inferir que:
a) A ONU ignora o que se passa na África do Sul;
b) A Irlanda, Sarajevo e o Oriente Médio merecem mais atenção da ONU do que a África;
c) Rwanda e Burundi não fazem parte da ONU;
d) O futuro da África está garantido.
e) Os líderes árabes e judeus riscaram Rwanda e Burundi do mapa.
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