Base dudow 028 2000 – Questão 10

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
Debi Lane’s nightmare began last november with routine thyroid test. When she returned for the results the next day, doctors at the Desert Samaritan Hospital in Mesa, Arizona, had terribles news. “There’s been a terrible mistake”, they told the 41 mother of four kids “basically, we have killed your thyroid.”
Instead of a small dose of mildly radioactive iodine, Lane had been treated with a megadose of radiation normally given to patients with thyroid cancer. She spent four days in a hospital isolation ward while her home was scrubbed down. Doctors say she has already contaminated her children.
Hospital officials insist that the mice administered dose was simply human error. They are seeking to have $ 14,000 fine reduced or even dismissed. Lane, whose chance of developing cancer could increase more than 4% every year, is fearful about the future. “What if my health insurance gets canceled?” she ask. “What about (my children’s) college? It looks like I’m not going to be here for them”.
Assinale a alternativa errada. Como decorrência do erro médico.
a) A sra. Debi Lane viu aumentada a possibilidade de contrair câncer.
b) A sra. Debi Lane viu-se obrigada a cancelar seu seguro médico.
c) A sra. Debi Lane poderá não viver até a época de seus filhos tornarem-se universitários.
d) O hospital poderá pagar uma multa de $14, 000
e) A Sra. Debi Lane pode ter contaminado seus filhos.

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