Base dudow 027 2000 – Questão 25

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
One of my favourite places for a vacation in Mexico. I really like the weather because it never gets cold there.
There people are very nice, too. They never laugh at my bad Spanish!
And the food is wonderful.
Mexico City is a very interesting place to visit. It has some great museums and  lots of fascinating old buildings.
And the hotels are not expensive. But you shouldn’t stay only in Mexico City. You should also go to some of the beach resorts, like Acapulco. And you shouldn’t miss the Mayan temples near Mérida.
Which sentence below is not true according to the text?
a) The Mayan temples are in Mexico City.
b) Sue’s Spanish is not very good.
c) She likes warm weather.
d) She thinks there is a lot to see and do in Mexico.
e) The hotels in Mexico City have accessible prices.
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