Base dudow 027 2000 – Questão 11
Linguagens / Inglês / Modal auxiliary verbs / Would
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No último parágrafo do texto, a palavra one aparece com dois sentidos
a) coincidentes.
b) antitéticos.
c) paradoxais.
d) complementares.
e) inequívocos.FGV Administração 2011 – Questão 32
According to the information in the article,
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In the middle of paragraph 3, the phrase “That’s not how it feels…” most likely refers to which of the following?
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A oração "Leading investors have joined the growing chorus of concern about governments and companies rushing into producing biofuels as a solution for global warming,…" pode ser entendida como:
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Marque aquela que expressa essa sentença no futuro: There is also evidence that people eat more.
a) There is going to also evidence that people eat more.
b) There will is also evidence that people eat more.
c) There is also evidence that people eat more.
d) There will be also evidence that people eat more.
e) There will going to be also evidence that people eat more.